

You are exceptionally high in conscientiousness, which is the primary dimension of dutiful achievement in the Big Five personality trait scientific model. Conscientiousness is a measure of obligation, attention to detail, hard work, persistence, cleanliness, efficiency and adherence to rules, standards and processes. Conscientious people implement their plans and establish and maintain order.

Your score puts you at the 97th percentile for conscientiousness. If you were one of 100 people in a room, you would be more conscientious than 97 of them and less conscientious than 2 of them.

More about Conscientiousness

Very orderly people are highly disgust-sensitive, extraordinarily judgmental, and have a strong tendency towards right-wing authoritarianism (particularly if low in openness).

Very orderly people are uncommonly disturbed and disgusted by mess and chaos. They keep everything neat, tidy and organized. They tend strongly to think in black and white terms: things are good or bad, acceptable or unacceptable, with no grey areas. They make and stick to schedules. They like everything exactly where it should be – and very much want to make sure that everything stays where it belongs. They are detail-oriented to a degree that can border on the obsessive. They are strikingly rule-abiding, and insist that rules are scrupulously observed. They require and crave routine and predictability. They can be very good at ensuring that complex sensitive processes are managed properly and carefully.

Very high orderliness can also constrain creativity (even among those high in openness) as creative endeavors often require mess, disruption and intervening periods of chaos.

Those who are very orderly are remarkably more likely to be political conservatives. Orderliness is the second-best predictor of conservatism, after low openness to experience.

Women are more orderly than men. The mean percentile for women in a general population (women and men) is 54.5. For men it is 45.5. This may account for some of the trouble in relation to housework between women and men. Since women are, on average, more orderly, household disorder will trigger disgust and discomfort in them faster. This may happen with sufficient frequency so they end up doing a disproportionate share of such work (even though if they waited a bit longer their less orderly partners, often men, might end up equally troubled and motivated to fix the problem). Orderly people are more likely to have items such as event calendars, drawer organizers, laundry baskets, irons and ironing boards in their immediate environments.

Industriousness: Exceptionally High
You are exceptionally high in industriousness, which is one aspect of conscientiousness. Your score puts you at the 96th percentile for industriousness. If you were one of 100 people in a room, you would be more industrious than 96 of them and less industrious than 3 of them.

Exceptionally industrious people are extremely likely to be successful in school and in administrative and managerial positions (particularly if they are intelligent). They live to work, and always have to be doing something useful. They do not at all like to sit around. They are extremely dutiful. They never put things off. They do not mess things up. They always finish what they start, and they do it on schedule. They are always obsessed with accomplishing more in less time, with fewer resources. They have exceptional focus.

Exceptionally industrious people are extremely likely to judge shirkers or people who are incompetent harshly, and to want them out of the way. They are extraordinarily likely to believe that people fail because they don’t apply themselves or work hard enough. They feel extremely guilty, rapidly, if they do not do their duty. However, because they are always stay on or ahead of schedule and accept their responsibilities, they rarely experience actual guilt. They cope remarkably badly with enforced leisure or unemployment.

Those who are liberal and those who are conservatives appear equally industrious.

Men are slightly more industrious than women. The mean percentile for men in a general population (women and men) is 51.5. For women it is 49.5.

Orderliness: Very High
You are very high in orderliness, which is one aspect of conscientiousness. Your score puts you at the 93rd percentile for orderliness. If you were one of 100 people in a room, you would be more orderly than 93 of them and less orderly than 6 of them.

Very orderly people are highly disgust-sensitive, extraordinarily judgmental, and have a strong tendency towards right-wing authoritarianism (particularly if low in openness).

Very orderly people are uncommonly disturbed and disgusted by mess and chaos. They keep everything neat, tidy and organized. They tend strongly to think in black and white terms: things are good or bad, acceptable or unacceptable, with no grey areas. They make and stick to schedules. They like everything exactly where it should be – and very much want to make sure that everything stays where it belongs. They are detail-oriented to a degree that can border on the obsessive. They are strikingly rule-abiding, and insist that rules are scrupulously observed. They require and crave routine and predictability. They can be very good at ensuring that complex sensitive processes are managed properly and carefully.

Very high orderliness can also constrain creativity (even among those high in openness) as creative endeavors often require mess, disruption and intervening periods of chaos.

Those who are very orderly are remarkably more likely to be political conservatives. Orderliness is the second-best predictor of conservatism, after low openness to experience.

Women are more orderly than men. The mean percentile for women in a general population (women and men) is 54.5. For men it is 45.5. This may account for some of the trouble in relation to housework between women and men. Since women are, on average, more orderly, household disorder will trigger disgust and discomfort in them faster. This may happen with sufficient frequency so they end up doing a disproportionate share of such work (even though if they waited a bit longer their less orderly partners, often men, might end up equally troubled and motivated to fix the problem). Orderly people are more likely to have items such as event calendars, drawer organizers, laundry baskets, irons and ironing boards in their immediate environments.